Who you callin' a tech-beee?????

One of my focuses lately is identifying the right types and combinations of tech tools to enhance my life as opposed to complicating and weighing down my life. A little over a year ago I found myself downloading and signing up for every cool tool, website, software, etc etc that someone mentioned to me (and since I work in a high tech environment and have some super-uber-geeks for friends, that was A LOT of stuff). So anxious was I to be qualified to engage in techno-rich conversation with an air of authority that I literally saturated every computing device I owned until my boot-up times became monumentally slow and blue screens, hard reboots, and random computer centered expletives became a way of daily life.

While browsing urbandictionary recently I came across the word: tech-beeeyatch, and realized that I undoubtedly fit neatly into that moniker. Certainly, in my quest to be the quintessential "early-adopter" I had become a technology whipping-girl ... a source of frustration to my IT brethren, and undoubtedly the subject of many jokie-jokes.

I post this as a reminder to myself, and a warning to those who tread in the wild depths of the interweb ... tread lightly, grasshopper - think long my brutha (and sista) - because that "download" & "install" button may hold heavy consequence to your future productivity.

** "bong bong" ** (Law & Order scence change sound)