Mobility Package - Wish I Could Remember the Whole Letter!

Well, our return train trip wasn't quite as eventful as the outbound trip, but while my daughter watched a movie I allowed my thoughts to drift back to my conversation with SquarePants on the way to Seattle a few days ago. Blerg ... as always, dwelling on what is past - I am beating myself up about not getting some kind of copy of the letter that went with SquarePant's Mobility Package.

I have been putting some thought into it and I think there were some misses on that letter, but it could be that I just skimmed over them because they are so obvious.
  • IM
  • Online Networking Sites (SP? Facebook?) / presence management
  • Conferencing Information (Audio / web)
So if I were to build the perfect Mobility Package I think it would consist of the following:

  • Blackberry 8830 World Edition / Verizon Business Service w/ unlimited text, international calling, and unlimited data
    • yes - I would choose a Blackberry, I have had multiple Blackberrys and multiple Windows Mobile Devices ... if I had it to do all over again in a corporate environment it would be crackberry all the way. That said, if an iPhone were currently viable in corporate land I would fully toss one of those in there - because then the new employees would know how dang cool our company was.
  • IBM Thinkpad
    • rugged and reliable (as a person who has dropped her share of laptops, IBMs stand up to the klutz test)
    • w/ wireless broadband card
  • Software Authentication VPN Access (no need to carry a stupid token)
  • Corporate Instant Messaging ... MSN Messenger
    • If the company uses MS office suite, I would encourage use of the integrated messenger service for presence management
  • Twitter
    • okay, I really want to say Facebook here ... for community networking and status updates, but I am going out on a limb and saying just use Twitter. Twitter is tons lighter, and much faster. I know it isn't all the rage yet, but I have a feeling it will be ....
  • Audio / Web Conferencing: Integrated into IM?
    • You know, ideally all 3 - IM, micro-blogging, and audio/web conferencing would be presented in a single package - but nothing too heavy or expensive. I am not an expert on this by any means so instead I will just say that it is a worthwhile concept.
Okay, so those are the things I would suggest for a mobility package, as well as links to training resources (online) and also the dreaded printed hand outs for initial configuration. At the training resource online location I would also set the frameworks for community user groups, so that employees using the tools could showcase what they do for others. It would be a place where new employees could get help or utilization ideas.
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